The"I'll be brutally honest, Kyiv was never very high on my list. Between the recent revolutions, ongoing conflicts with Russia and – I'll be honest – brutally cold weather, it was a place that, as intriguing as all of this was to me as a journalist, it just wasn't a place I was sure that I wanted to visit, let alone promote that someone else visit.
But I was wrong. And it didn't take much research, or many conversations, to quickly figure that out." The
article by Breanna Wilson expresses a wide-spread vision of Ukraine as a travel destination, a place that may be shaky from all the politics going in the recent years, but likely she shares an inspiring reality encountered by many travelers who go beyond the rumor and give it a try. Kyiv has been constantly developing, with many social projects and initiatives taking place, promoting the local culture and opening new horizons for Ukrainian young entrepreneurs.
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